Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring time

 I am so glad that spring is practically here. I love spring more than any of the other three seasons. It is a time of new growth and it brings to mind all God has blessed us with. Each day, we should be thankful for the things He has given us, so generously. How many times do we take everything for granted?
 This weekend we have spent a few days away from home and it has been great. We have talked, played and laughed more than we have in a while. Time gets in the way and we have just survived all winter. Now that spring is here we can once again start all over.
 Take time today and every day to thank God for all he has given you. Even the small things. They all are given to you by the most powerful and gracious God.
 Thank you Lord for every day you have given me, for my family, health and even the job that I am sometimes guilty of complaining about. Without You I would not be where I am today, or who I am today. Please keep me and my family in your arms and hold us close, protecting us with your shield.
 Hope you all a have a great day, whereever you are and whatever you do.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this dear! Glad you guys were able to get away and enjoy life! Good post! We do take so much for granted!
    until next time... nel
